Manchester United VS Wolves

Highlight and main purpose of this trip
M A T C H  D A Y ! !

Yes we worry nobody know we going to watch the match today hahaha

Breakfast at Seed & Cheery 

We had their small plates which is just nice for us, mine was vegan pancake and I love it!

The match is in the evening and we were really early, we decided to walk around and take photo. 

As we decided to do a self timer photo with the graffiti wall at this small alley, a big size guy suddenly appear while the timer was counting down and he was shouting to himself. Of cus I got worried that he might snatch my camera while Ed was trying to hold me back hence our candid faces LOL heng he didnt do anything to us la. He logic is the more you show that you are scare the more he will come and disturb you.... okay...

I got really excited to see sun light!!

Its time to travel to the stadium
Ed wanna go early to catch the player bus

 终于到了 !!

Bought the match day scarf for himself and a beanie for me

Pardon my stupiak husband didnt even realise I hold upside down -.-

Photo with my theater of dream (fooooooood)
We had the 10 pound fish and chip there and it was unforgettably nice!!! Crispy on the outside soft on the inside however it turned cold in 2 mins LOL.

After lunch we stood in the strong wind for a good 2hrs just for the player bus and some Man U legends to arrive. & look who we caught on camera!!!! 
The rest were in video lazy to upload here.

Im not kidding when I say strong wind okay, I couldnt feel my nose and toes after that, almost gave up!

Okay finally the entrance gate open we rushed in to get some warm but it was still outdoor brrrr.... 
Oh yes, Ed bought this hotdog baguette as snack and Im totally in love with it! I might consider flying there to eat it HHAHAHA

We had goosebumps all the way when they announce the new transfer No. 18 Bruno~~ and the fans cheering making the atmosphere so much more exciting despite the NIL NIL result.... Also, since it was February they had a moment of silence to commemorate the Munich Crash that happened back on 6 February 1958 they even had a song for it and Sir Bobby Charlton was one of the survivor from the crash.

The whole experience was super surreal ! So glad we made this trip happen. 

The match ended & we had to squeeze in the crowd and wait about 30-40mins for our turn to board the tram. Both the fans were singing their club song as they queue for the tram, we were so worried they might be rowdy and start fighting but heng alls good!

Korean food for dinner, becus we Asian much... LOL (its really over priced there)


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