Lochness Monster Tour

Woke up at around 6am for the Lochness whole day Tour with Klook 

I didnt enjoy the bus ride due to my motion sickness Zzz But the destination is definitely worth it!
Some mini stop while on the way to Lochness, the wind was super strong and it was drizzling hence my awkward pose! I was wearing 1 thermal, 2 sweaters and this down-jacket already

Anyway I wanna say I bought this and Ed's down-jacket from Taobao, its less than $40 each!!
Damn worth it lor should have gotten 1 more for him, he wore that for all 17 days -.-

It was still drizzling when we reach then it started to pour!! We waited for the rain to chill before going over for photos and look what we caught in the background!!!!

I hate myself for carrying the ugly 5 pound brolly for photo Urgh!!

The rainbow faded when we finally got someone to help us take a photo ;(

Okay its damn cold I couldnt pose already but look at the mountains in the background!

We stop by a small town for toilet/tea break, it was snowing!!

Time for bed~


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