Bye Manchester, hello Edinburgh

Last few photos on Manchester street while walking to the train station

I cant rmb exactly the time needed to travel to Edinburgh from Manchester, but according to our itinerary its about 3hrs train ride including 1 change of train.

I rmb I didnt enjoy the train ride at all... Its bumpy and the other passenger were chatting snacking and drinking away quite loudly..

But my mood immediately brighten up upon reaching Edinburgh, the railway station is freaking beautiful!!! I was overly excited that I forgot to take photo of it, only videos -.-

Ed was busy trying to find the way to our hotel which is damn confusing... The map directed us to climb up this flight of stair in between the buildings like a narrow small alley, with 3 luggage! The stairs were super long, quiet and alittle dark so he doubted the map la but we took a leap of faith and came out to a surprisingly busy street at the end of the stair! So Ed being the man took the 2 big luggage while I handle the small one. LOL I damn useless 

Some random shot I took while Ed was navigating 

Yay reached Ibis hotel after all the tiring walk lol heng is cold else pekcek sia

& look at the view from our hotel room!!!!!!!

Okay Ramen for lunch, we finished everything! Its good.

Explored the place after lunch, get ready for the unreal photos!!

Anyway this city is so amazing there's like basement? Sorry I dk how to put into words... 

I really wanna go back and explore more, but definitely not winter cus the sunset so early!!! We are always back in the hotel drinking beer watching tv at 5 plus :(


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