Hong Kong Day 4

Day 4, suppose to have Mui Kee Congee but we couldnt find so we make do with a random congee shop which sells pretty decent congee la. Super generous with this meat and century egg.

We joined the wrong queue which led us to their columbarium.......... Somemore just nice its Qing Ming period lol. Hence the long queue, lucky the queue move quite fast lor. Ed la, keep insisting this is the right way when Sharon and I have been doubting already.

This is the right path that we are suppose to be la, Ten Thousand Buddah. Ed then mention he read online that many tourist mix up this with their columbarium, BUT HE STILL MAKE THIS MISTAKE. Sibei Rabak LOL. Lucky its cooling hor.

his dad headed to race course while the rest of us went to Central for lunch and shopping.

 And take some photos of cus. hahaha back to this spot.

Headed to their famous Hong Kong style Starbuck to chill.

We had another bowl of goodness before heading home to sleep.

Okay good night.


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