
Showing posts from February, 2016

Bkk day 2

Woke up before the sunrises for morning market which close at 9am. Check out this Siew Mai its damn yummy! Steaming hot and good. Perfect for the chilling weather Our small bite before lunch. =/ The omelet is delicious with hidden chili padi. Road side Cha Yen, must try at BKK & you should never miss this 7eleven Basil Rice in BKK too!!!! After shopping at morning market, we were all famished even thou we had those small bites =X Decided to buy 7Eleven food back to hotel, eat and prepare for Union mall & Mk restaurant On the way to Union Mall Decided to put Union Mall into the itinerary as its highly recommended by friends. They reviewed that it has cheaper clothes than Platinum mall. But to our disappointment AGAIN, there's nothing much and its not cheap lor... =( So i had the time to snap some random pictures Its okay, we had MK restaurant for lunch, YUMMY DUCK!!!